What Can a Prosthodontist Do?

Restoring Your Smile With A Prosthodontist

A missing or damaged tooth can have a serious impact on your oral health. Damaged teeth can become infected and cause pain, discomfort, and further oral issues. Missing teeth may cause your teeth to shift, which can ruin orthodontic work and cause serious bite problems.

If you’re missing one or more teeth, or one of your teeth is damaged and needs to be restored, the team at Advanced Dentistry of Mount Pleasant is here to help. Dr. Vinson is an experienced, highly-qualified prosthodontist.  

Understanding Prosthodontics – Explore Your Treatment Options

Prosthodontics is the practice of restoring missing or damaged teeth with procedures like dental crowns, bonding, implants, inlays and onlays, dentures and other dental prosthetics. This means that prosthodontics is a special branch of restorative dentistry, and a prosthodontist is a dental specialist. In order to become a prosthodontist, one must take three additional years of advanced dental education and training through a prosthodontics program that has been accredited by the ADA.

Common Prosthodontics Procedures  

Prosthodontists are experts in a number of different restorative procedures, ranging from the simplest fillings and dental crowns to complex full smile restorations that require a number of different treatments.

Dental implant crowns are one of our specialties at Advanced Dentistry of Mount Pleasant. After your dental implant has been placed, Dr. Vinson will create a customized dental prosthetic that will attach to the implant and restoring your smile. If you are missing many or all of your teeth, dental implants can also be used to restore your teeth in a specialized way using multiple implants.

With the latest dental tools and technology, and a knowledge of today’s best practices for restoring your smile, Dr. Vinson will provide you with caring, comfortable treatment, and help you restore your smile.

Other common procedures at our office include porcelain veneers, dentures, and full-mouth restorations, which may involve all of these procedures, as well as additional restorative or cosmetic treatments.

The Benefits Of Working With A Prosthodontist

Working with a prosthodontist has a number of benefits. First, you are guaranteed to get the best possible restorative care from a dental professional who is a specialist in their field

Additionally, a prosthodontist will always take the time to help you understand all of your options for restoring your smile and help you pick the right option for your budget and your mouth.

Finally, you’ll receive complete comprehensive care. As a prosthodontist, Dr. Vinson will be able to comprehensively treatment plan all of your dental needs and put in motion the best treatment for you.

Let Us Restore Your Smile  

Schedule your appointment with Dr. Vinson today! You can contact us by phone at (843) 936-1690, or stop by our office at 1149 Oakland Market Road, Mount Pleasant, SC 29466 to learn more about what we do.